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PrISM CSP Launches Surveys to Measure Accountability and Effectiveness

January 23, 2024
Aerial view of UBC Okanagan Campus

In our ongoing commitment to safeguarding information security, the Privacy & Information Security Management (PrISM) Compliance Support Program (CSP) is set to launch two important surveys targeting Administrative Heads and IT Staff across UBC. 

These surveys are intended to measure awareness of accountability/responsibility, available services, and level of planning and communication relating to information security at UBC. 

The surveys will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete respectively and are expected to be sent in early February 2024; your prompt participation is much appreciated. 

Program Background

The Compliance Support Program (CSP) was initiated in response to the elevated risk of privacy and information security breaches at UBC. As mandated by UBC executives, faculties and administrative groups are participating or will participate in the CSP from 2023 to 2024. The program involves a self-assessment process aimed at clarifying accountability for securing information systems and supporting units in identifying and addressing their information security gaps. 

The CSP is systematically engaging with units across UBC in waves, starting with high-risk units. The goal is to communicate essential controls, clarify accountability, and support units in developing plans and processes to enhance information security. 

For more information, please visit the Compliance Support Program page.

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