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About the Training

Why is training on privacy & information security so important?
Nearly every UBC faculty and staff member has access to confidential information, including personal and payment card data. As the loss or disclosure of this information could be very harmful, it's important for you to know how to protect it.


UBC staff smiling at event

Who Should Take the Training?

Privacy & Information Security – Fundamentals training is a mandatory requirement for faculty, staff, researchers, student employees and contractors who use UBC Electronic Information and Systems.

Privacy & Information Security – IT Professionals training is a mandatory requirement for faculty, staff, researchers, student employees and contractors who are Technical Owners of UBC systems and University IT Support Staff.​

Not sure if this applies to you? View our FAQ to learn what 'UBC Electronic Information and Systems' includes.

How Do I Get Started?

To get started, click the "Fundamentals Part 1", "Fundamentals Part 2", "IT Professionals" or "Admin Head of Unit" buttons below. (CWL username/password required)

* Please note, the first time you take the training, you will need to enroll by clicking the "Enroll" button.

Need Help?
Instructions on how to enroll and complete the UBC General Required Courses online


Topics covered in the training include:

Fundamentals Part 1

Privacy & Personal InformationLearn to identify personal information, and the most important rules for handling it.
Storage & Encryption of InformationLearn how and where to store confidential information, and when it must be protected by encryption.
Working RemotelyLearn what precautions you should take to protect confidential information when working away from UBC campus.
Transmission & Sharing of InformationLearn how to securely transmit and share confidential information.
PhishingLearn how to spot attempts to trick you into giving away confidential information.

Fundamentals Part 2

Disclosure of InformationLearn when you should or should not share or disclose information.
Freedom of Information RequestsLearn about FIPPA and FOI requests, and understand your responsibilities relating to them.
Managing Records & InformationLearn about the best practices for managing paper and electronic records.
Managing Accounts & PasswordsLearn how to properly secure UBC accounts and the best practices for managing passwords.
General Privacy & Information Security TipsEmpower yourself to stay secure online and keep UBC's private data safe.

IT Professionals

Obligations of an IT ProfessionalLearn about the Information Systems Policy (SC14) and its relationship to the Information Security Standards (ISS).
Securing & Managing Accounts and PasswordsLearn about the security requirements associated with User Accounts and Privileged Accounts.
Protecting SystemsLearn to be aware of the various required system controls and apply the ISS when securing systems.
Acquiring, Developing & Modifying SoftwareLearn to employ the ISS when developing or modifying a software application during design and implementation.
Logging & MonitoringLearn to identify activities that require logging and monitoring to support investigations and maintain service operations.
Incident ResponseLearn to understand the difference between the different types of incidents through UBC's incident response processes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Track Training Results

Transition effect in bar chart statistics and bright windows

Detailed Department Reporting

Training completion reports are accessible to managers and contain detailed employee training completion information. Managers can only report on the supervisory organizations they have access.

Managers can check the following training completion reports for all Privacy and Information Courses; Fundamentals 1 Fundamental 2 and IT Professional through Workday:

UBC Privacy & Information Security Courses Active Worker Status - Distributed (requires CWL)

To run this report, you will need to click on the link then input your Supervisory Organization. You may find your Supervisory Organization by clicking on your Workday Profile.

View Report

Data analysis. Developing business growth strategy. Many business reports. Magnifying glass,calculator and pen.

Aggregated % Complete Report by Department

The Fundamentals and IT Professional aggregated training report enables self-service monitoring capabilities for authorized users to monitor campus-wide completion statistics for their own departments and units.

This report has been optimized to provide completion statistics for Fundamentals Part 1, Fundamentals Part 2 and IT Professional.

(CWL is required to authenticate to the report)

Need Help?

Email if you require access for yourself or someone in your unit, or if you experience any issues with this service.

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UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service. Bell Warning