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IT Professionals Training Now Integrated into Workplace Learning Curriculum

February 20, 2024
CTLT staff in discussion around boardroom table with laptops open

We're excited to announce that the IT Professionals Training is now an integral part of UBC's Workplace Learning curriculum. This mandatory course, tailored for IT staff, focuses on fostering a comprehensive understanding of UBC's Information Security Standards

Workday will automatically notify individuals currently in IT roles who have yet to complete this essential training. If you receive this automated message, please log in to Workday for further guidance on accessing the course. Additionally, managers will be notified about any incomplete training within their teams. 

Your commitment to ensuring the security of our information and systems is paramount. We appreciate your cooperation and dedication in promptly completing the IT Professionals Training.

Thank you for your continued support in upholding UBC's standards of privacy and information security. 

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